37 Sensor Kit V2.0
37 Sensor Kit V2.0
The 37 Sensor Kit V2.0 is your all-in-one solution for hassle-free experimentation and innovation! Say goodbye to the search for individual components; our comprehensive kit comes equipped with 37 diverse sensor modules, allowing you to dive into countless projects with ease.
Product Features
- 37 diverse sensor modules: Offers endless possibilities for a variety of projects.
- Compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP32: Ensures seamless integration with popular platforms.
- Versatile applications: Perfect for environmental monitoring, robotics, and more.
- Ideal for all skill levels: Suited for both seasoned creators and beginners.
Quality Guaranteed
At Robotico, we pride ourselves on producing products with only the highest quality parts and components. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will happily refund you.
What's in the box?
PS2 Game Joystick Module, Infrared Receiver Module, Laser Sensor Module, DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module, Infrared Transmit Sensor Module, 1 Channel 5V Relay Module, IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module, Touch Sensor Module, Sound Sensor Module, DIP 3 Colour LED Module, Flame Sensor Module, SMD 3 Colour LED Module, Linear Magnetic Hall Sensor, Blue Rotary Encoder Module, Digital Temperature Sensor Module, Active Buzzer Module, Passive Buzzer Module, Broken Light Module, DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Module, 5mm Two-Colour LED Module, Tilt Switch Module, 7 Colour Flashing LED Module, Photosensitive Resistance Module, Vibration Switch Module, Knock Sensor Module, TCRT5000 Tracking Module, Tactile Switch Module, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor 4 Pin, GY-521 MPU6050 with Soldering, HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor Green, LCD1602 Blue Backlight with Soldering, DS3231 AT24C32 IIC Module without Battery, MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module (3.3V, 5V), 4x4 Membrane Switch Matrix Keypad, Rain Water Level Detection Sensor.